
Lego Cake. #Tutorial #Legomovie #Recipe

I'm sorry that there are not a lot of pictures and therefore a more detailed account of exactly how I made this cake but it was a bit manic on the day including our downstairs bathroom being ripped out and then the husband disappearing to play rugby so I forgot to take pictures! Anyway I will do my best, use some of my other blog's from the archive to save me repeating myself and show you as much as I can on how to make this cake. 

Ingredients I bought most of them at the Supermarket but the icing and flower paste I got at my local haunt Ladybird Cakes ,good cake shops will sell the same but this has on-line sales too. 

You will roughly need:
A Lego Board
2 Cakes, different sizes - flavour and size your choice, 
but alter fondant amount if bigger.
Pale Blue Fondant 1kg.
White Fondant 500g.
Red Fondant 500g.
Orange, Red, Green Food Colouring.
White Flower Paste 100g.
2 Cocktail Sticks.
2m of Black Ribbon.
Selection (around 30) of fondant Lego bricks, made or bought.
Selection of Lego Figures.

1 Week Before.

Archie is Lego mad and we are all 'Lego Movie' mad at the minute because... well its "Awesome" so I wasn't surprised when he asked for this as his party and cake theme. I had lots of ideas, like I wanted to make the Lego figures myself but as I said we have an extension going on and it was just too time sensitive this week. Archie luckily got the set for his birthday so that part was sorted. I also made a selection of Lego bricks in Red, Yellow, Blue, Green and Black petal paste then let them dry for the week.


Two Days before.

The cake was needed on Sunday afternoon, so I baked the cake on Friday night, decorated on Saturday ready for the party.

I baked two cakes, one 8" and one 6" I followed my chocoholic recipe and smoothed the ganache as much as possible. Recipe here.

Best Chocolate cake ever.

The Day Before. 

I then stuck them in the fridge for 10 mins to firm them up a bit before I fondant iced them both. See my tutorial on how to do that and mix fondant here
I iced one in pale blue and one in supposedly fire! I mixed some white and red fondant, then added some streaks of orange food gel, I didn't kneed it too much before icing the cake so it was very marbled and hopefully looks like flames.

I had some extra 'fire' fondant left over and put a mound on the top, then twisted and pulled bits up into flames, nothing fancy literally took 2 minutes.

I used some white flower paste to make the "Kragle" just moulded it into the shape and twisted the end over. I put two cocktail sticks in the bottom to later attached it to the cake. I then painted it with a little brush using green and red to try and resemble the movies. 

I also made a few squarish, Lego type clouds and let them all dry while I assembled the cake.

I decided to use a Lego board as a cake tray to make it really Lego themed, so I put the blue cake on first close to the back of the board and tied a black ribbon around the bottom. I then put the orange cake on the top again near the back not central so there was room for the figures. I didn't use dowels (cake supports) its not that big of a cake and again tied a bit of black ribbon around the bottom.

I then positioned the figures how I wanted them on the cake and then started to fill the cake in.

 I made the 'Archie' by rolling out some fondant using large cookie cutters and then used a piece of Lego to flatten it and leave Lego dents; I stuck them to the board with a bit of water brushed on to the backs. I then used some small cutters to make "AWESOME" and with water attached them to the top layer....I was going to go for "Everything is Awesome" but it honestly was a nightmare to cut them out so gave up! I then attached the clouds to the bottom layer with water too.

I then inserted the 'Kragle' into the top with the cocktail sticks and then started arranging Lego bricks around it. 

I then randomly started to stick (with water) some more Lego bricks all over like the explosion in the movie. I then inserted a number 5 sparkler in to the top and tah dah!

Love my baby dudes face here, Archie loved it but already had a sneek preview!

I also made some Lego cupcakes as we had a lot of guests, I just used my recipe here
Cupcake Recipe
Then decorated them with the left over Lego bricks and some rice toppers from eBay, which cost £2 for 36.

Any questions please just ask and thanks for stopping by.

  Ash xox