
Hot Chocolate Station!

We had a few of the neighbours over last night for a little Bonfire party and via group chat I knew the grown ups were covered for wine but I wanted something special for the kids to drink. What is better than Hot Chocolate with all the trimmings on a winter night though, right?! I honestly haven't tasted better than this either if I do say so myself.

 I didn't want to be standing in the kitchen making tonnes though, instead of enjoying the party so I decided to make a Hot Chocolate Station that ANY grown up could help to make. I have a bit of a thing for my Slow Cooker and its almost a challenge what I can make in it next. I made Mulled Wine on Christmas eve last year and that sparked this idea. I cant recommend it enough, even the Grown ups loved it, perfect for any winter party and we will def be doing this at our annual Christmas Eve party.

Make 2hrs before Party.

What you will need:

Slow Cooker 
Cups - My wintry disposable ones were £1 for 24 from Poundland
Paper Straws - Again 24 for £1
Can of Squirty Cream
Mini Marshmellows

Coco duster - I already had it.
Jug of milk for little ones who need it cooler

1 tub of Cocoa - this was 175g
4 Pints of Milk
1 small tub of Single Cream - I used half.
A large scoop of Nutella.

Put the full tub of the Cocoa Powder  and a huge scoop of Nutella in the slow cooker....yip looks a bit like a lump of poop. I'm also immature ha ha.

Then add the 4pts of Milk and half the tub of cream.

Give it a really good stir with a wooden spoon, until combined. In hindsight a whisk would have been much better.

Put the lid on, turn it on low for 2hrs and it will be delicious and piping hot ready for the guests.

In the mean time I set everything else out ready for all the toppings and guests to help themselves.

When ready give another good stir and use a ladle to serve up and top however you wish!


What about those lush Mason jars with a handle for a more smart or Grown up party? 


A bit more grown up version? I'm in. I lovvvve adding Cointreau to mine but I do have a major Chocolate Orange thing going on.

Add the alcohol just before serving, stirring in well or add into the top of each drink. I would personally add a shot per person...it warms your bones in the winter right he he. However if you don't want it to over power just half the amount.

So want to be a bit lit 9-10 shots.
Just a Taste 4-5 shots. 

How about?

Malibu with some coconut sprinkles.

Baileys with a little liqueur Choccy on top.

Peppermint Schnapps and a candy cane...I'm sure even Santa
 will be wanting that!



Thank you SO much for all the interest in this post...it is in its millions of views now which is just insane so thank you for that. 
I didn't expect it at all, so let me answer a few of y'all questions I didn't cover.


Did I use Cocoa Powder or Drinking Chocolate?
In this recipe I used Cadbury's drinking chocolate. In my opinion it's creamer for kids. I have used Cocoa before and it works but makes it much richer so more like a dark hot chocolate. You may also need to add sugar and I cant be doing with the guilt of that see how much goes in, at least in the drinking chocolate its all hidden and yummy already ha ha.

What size is your Slow Cooker? 
Mine is a 3.5L. If youre's is too small for your party how about borrowing a few and have them all on the go? Last year I did but had This is one, Beef Stew in the other and Mulled wine in the third. PROMISE to get the recipe out in the next few weeks.

How many does this serve?
Well normal Mug's it should be 10 but these little ones it did 15-20 I guess it depends how full you want them...obvs gotta leave a big gap for marshmallows and cream right?! 

Does the milk curdle?
Nope not for me. It needs a good stir when ready but it was fine for about 4-5hrs while it was made and served.


Nuts - Allergy and cant use Nutella...I honestly feel for you its may favourite thing in the world! However what about using some other Chocolate sauce to add more Choccy flavour. I'm a big Slimming World fan and I love Choc Shot which is used a lot as its low fat, its even Vegan friendly. 

Milk - My son Oscar cant actually have cows milk so I have made this with his normal almond milk and it was great. Totally couldn't tell. As for the topping, instead of whipped cream what about a scoop of that yummy 'Marshmallow Fluff' the supermarkets have thankfully brought over from the USA. Not the healthiest but dairy free and this is a treat after all. 
If anyone try's Soya etc I would love to hear about it. 

How long does it last?
Well I make it 2hrs before guests are due to arrive and it perfect and piping hot for then, people mingle then slowly help them selves so mine was on the go for about 4-5hrs. It did start to look a bit grey at the dregs so make sure you just stir it well each time before serving. I could say longer than that as its always demolished!

Do you turn off the Slow cooker?
Nope I just set it on low and leave until it is all gone....then I do obvs ha ha. Don't be telling me about no house fires, god forbid. To be honest you could turn it off and it would keep warm for about an hour I'd say. 

For your Own Slowcooker see below.



  1. What a fantastic idea....As well as it being great for the kids it just looks so pretty!
    I hope you all had a great evening x

    1. Ah thank you and I agree so pretty which living with all boys I'm totally about ha ha! We loved it. Thank you for your kind words xx

  2. This is just amazing - you are full of fantastic ideas!

    1. Well this is praise indeed from you!!! Thank you oricle he he xxx

  3. Oh wow, now that is a way to celebrate bonfire night! I need slow cooker hot choc in my life! Thanks for sharing x

    1. I honestly want to do it every week now, so yum....I may have added a bit brandy to mine ha ha. Thank you for your kind words xxx

  4. Do you think it would work as well without the Nutella? Nut allergy problems :-(

    1. Hiii yes totally Im just addicted to the stuff I've made some today without for same reason and its just as creamy and chocolatly! xxx

    2. Hiii yes totally Im just addicted to the stuff I've made some today without for same reason and its just as creamy and chocolatly! xxx

    3. Yes, use Cadburys chocolate spread instead xx

  5. This may be a silly question, but I am not sure what Single Cream is.

    1. NOT ALL! Someone once asked where you can get softened butter from...if you dont know you don't know though. Its just whipping cream or "light" cream I know they have different names. The milk would be called 2% in USA. Thank you asking xxx

    2. Just to say, whipping cream is different to single, single cream will never whip up thick. But if you only need it for pouring or mixing, they will work just as well as each other. Can't wait to try this, it sounds yummy! :)

  6. Could you post the recipe for mulled wine aswell please?😃

    1. I certainly will! I just need to a week until my next party....I could drink 2 bottle of red to my self but the husband wouldnt allow me he he. Did it last year on Christmas eve and it was lush. Thank you for asking xxx

    2. recipe for mulled wine would be much appreciated could you send it to duchess297@hotmail.com please

  7. Hi sound a really good idea but could i ask one question. What size is your slow cooker?

  8. Hi, did you turn your slow cooker off after the two hours cooking or leave it on to keep the milk warm? Awesome idea btw, will defo be doing it this year :)

    1. I kept it on low for another hour until it was nearly all gone really it did start to get a skin though. x

  9. Omg it looks mmmmmm can't wait to try this out xxxx

  10. Looks amazing! Was it cocoa powder or hot chocolate powder? Fabulous idea x

    1. Its was Cadburys Drinking Chocolate but I have used Cocoa before and it just much richer and chocolatley...like a dark choccy version ha ha! x

  11. mmm lovely. would work well as a giant chocolate fondue maker too :)

  12. You know that you can do pavlova's in your slow cooker

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. What a fab idea! Might try an after 8 version, add a couple of cap fulls of mint extract, it works on chocolate cake so worth a try on this!

    1. Aw it would be lush ive done this a few times and I will try to update with my other ideas asap but Cointreau is lush for grown ups like a Chocolate Orange! x

  15. Love this idea! Does the milk curdle?

    1. Nope give it a good stir before serving but it was fine. x

  16. Love this idea! Does the milk curdle?

  17. Thanks what a clever idea! I am going to do this for my boys xmas evexxx

  18. Would love your mulled wine recipe, it's a fantastic idea !!!!

    1. Promise I will get it out asap or at least for christmas! x

  19. Yummy,I can't wait to get my slow cooker on the go now,I will definitely be trying it xx

  20. Loved this we are going to use this at our schools Christmas Carol event, we have mulled wine for adults but the children will love this plus it doesn't need much looking after so more adults free to join in with carols!!

  21. Hey love this idea. Can't wait to try :-) do you need to use the single cream or can you leave it out if you want a healthy version?

  22. I so cant wait to make this! How excitin:-)

  23. That looks fab. Love your ideas. Can you clarify if you used pure cocoa powder or drinking chocolate? Thanks

  24. You have just made my day. I drink hot choc every day, this is great. Thanks. X

  25. Omg! Looks lovely, will be trying this out over the festive season
    Thanks for sharing x

  26. Came across this on my FB feed!! Wow.....I love the pioneer woman and you are so ,I have like her, but British yeah !!! The pound land shopping gave it away lol.

    Keep up the good work...love the poo bit. Keeps,it real


  27. That is an excellent idea, think i will add Baileys to mine to make an adults hot chocolate.

    1. ...mmm Baileys-covered marshmallows...yummy!
      So good to be a grown-up (child) haha :D

  28. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful idea. I have now gone out and bought everything, including a slow cooker. :D Quick question if that's ok. How many cups did you get out of it? xx

    1. This makes me sooo happy!! I have updated the blog above now but 9-10 mugs or 15-20 of the little cups pictured. x

  29. Totally need your mulled wine recipe!

  30. Totally need your mulled wine recipe!

  31. Brilliant idea - might steal this for our Christmas party :) Mulled wine recipe also interesting to see :)

  32. What biscuits did you use for your s'mores as the only place I have found Grahams are the Uk is in a major supermarket but its not very local and there really pricey (£5 a pack). Thanks

  33. Question from California : Is there any added sugar in the cocoa?

  34. the recipe looks lush!! i am going to try this over christmas all though i think a lot of it will go to waste!!! but im sure the guys at work will enjoy

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. This is fab Ashlie! Oh wow I can see an AMAZING afters school treat for the monsters coming up and I will definitly add something like this to our Christmas movie night!! FAB FAB FAB!!! (pinned of course!) X

  37. Great idea! Will be trying this Christmas time! Thank you for posting! Christmas in Bermuda is chilly too. But not as cold as most places! Love the addition of Cointreau!

    1. Aw thank you! Maybe Malibu would be nice in the Carribean ha ha. Rather be there than here xxx

  38. Gorgeous can't wait to try! Hubby has a slight addiction to Cointreau so think he will be very interested to try that version! X

  39. kids are having friends for a sleepover tonight so having a "trial run" ready for christmas eve... il keep you posted :-)

  40. Great idea! I'll be following you from now on x

  41. Made this today and it smells lovely, just the wait now til it is ready. Going to make this on Christmas Eve too xx

  42. Does it work well with half the amount? Might try this for my teenagers get together..

  43. Ohh, love my slow cooker but would never have thought of doing hot chocolate in it! With two small children who love it, it would go down a treat. I'd probably have to halve the amount though.
    Some chocolate sprinkles and marshmallows and all ready to go, love it...

  44. Hey, looks incredible! Little tip when adding the milk/cream: don't dump all the liquid in at once!! As shown in the pic, awkward to mix and risks of lumps. Instead, add a little milk at a time into the powder, stirring until you have a choc paste. Then gradually keep adding all the milk and cream until its all mixed! Much easier :).

  45. This looks amazing. I might try it just for myself. Or, great excuse to have a party. Thanks for sharing.

  46. I'll be trying the hot chocolate for my family tomorrow hope it goes to plan looks amazing on pictures...thankyou for sharing your ideas...hope to see more.

  47. We made this last yr for our school fete WA I would suggest is to use hot chocolate powder instead of co co powder as it was quite bitter X

  48. Going to try this for sure! One question - I have a family of 3. I could try to cut down the recipe I suppose but wondered if anyone had any left over, refrigerated and then heated up the next day? :) thanks x

    1. I'm no expert but due to the dairy content I would say no for hygiene reasons and that it might curdle : ( I would just half the ingredients xx

  49. I'm going to make this on Saturday night for my guests

  50. How many cups does this make please planning on making this for our xmas fayre next week xx

  51. Love this I did it last year ready for everyone after Christmas eve mass but I added the giant marshmallows in the slow cooker about 15 min before service so there all gooey definitely a bit hit in this house doing it again this year thank you for the sugar coma lol

  52. Looks brilliant. Will definitely be trying this. Would love ur mulled wine recipe please. Thank u xxx

  53. This is the 4th time I’ve used your recipe and it’s always a huge hit. Thank you so much for making life easier and more enjoyable x

  54. Thank you so much for posting this! It gave me the confidence to make hot chocolate for a community event (about 22 families) and it was loved! I had never been confident that hot chocolate was scale-able (is that a word??) and no milk was burnt in the making of this delicious experience. What a treat! Thank you :)

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  61. Hiya, this looks amazing! Do you have a recipe for a white chocolate version at all? Xxx

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