
Beamish Hall Hotel

If you caught my last blog Here you will see that we had just had lunch with Santa at the beautiful Beamish Hall Hotel. We were quite worn out after all that excitment and delicious festive food, so I was delighted that we were staying over instead of going home. I have to say when I booked it, the idea of a night away to kick off our Christmas holidays sounded great but as it approached and I hadn't even finished my Christmas shopping, never mind wrapped anything or written out a card and I have I mentioned we have 15 for lunch on Christmas day?... 

So I felt a little panicked at having to leave the mother ship over night so close to Christmas, however I couldn't recommend doing this enough to anyone as it just forced all 4 of us to stop and chill. No distractions, in stunning surroundings with a Christmas tree no less as you will see. We will certainly be booking up for next year...just maybe work towards that date and be a bit more organised...who am I kidding.

So after we tootled along to reception or the grand hall I should say with coats of arms and the biggest firse place I've ever seen, we were swiftly checked in. I was notified that there had been a cancellation and we were upgraded to the Charron Apartment. Now the title should have given it away but there was no way I expected this gorgous, two bed and HUGE apartment to be in a listed building! We literally thought it was going to be like a studio and don't get me wrong any extra room with my two boys bouncing about would be a bonus but after walking up its own private stair case and opening the door we all stood there mouths open...I was really tempted to call reception and check the whole place was just for us. 

Taken from their webite

If you're planning on staying a little longer, have a family or group of friends in tow, you may wish to consider our Charron Apartment, situated up in the rafters, with a fully equiped self-catering kichen & dining room, large living room with additional dining room table, two bathrooms and two bedrooms, there's plenty of space to entertain whilst having the option of the hotel facilities at your disposal. Perfect for a weeks base with the children in the school holidays.

I couldn't agree more either, the beauty of self catering which is perfect with children but in a hotel. We had brought some wine, milkshake and snacks for our family movie night ahead but after the boys went to sleep... very early by request in their "Special beds" The husband and I were starving so we ordered room service, it couldn't have been any nicer surrounded by twinkly lights watching Home Alone...its for big kids too. Burger was lush as well.

We have been lucky to stay in quite a few hotels but its still a novelty to the boys and a treat for us. They were so excited for our special night away and even more when they saw they got their own beds, they even asked for a bubble bath...well I wasn't risking their Rudolph face paint on the crisp white probably very expensive sheets by the feel of them anyway. I was so jealous I had my own bath, there is two baths after all...

Chilling like Villians....

We had a lovely evening, all slept like babies and woke up to a slap up brekkie in their Eden restaurant. The boys were in their element as its a favourite thing to have a cooked breakfast but to be able to help themselves to cereal  was heaven. Stuffed we then reluctantly packed up but we were heading to Beamish Museum to go ice skating which is literally next door so the boys didn't complain too much although they did ask if we were staying for Christmas. You know what I could totally have done that too. Stepped away from the Christmas Madness to an immaculate apartment complete with a Christmas tree and let Santa do his magic.....

Love a bit of info...

NO body talk until this is finished....

The hotel was beautiful, every staff member was lovely and nice to the children which sounds silly but a lot of hotels can be quite non Family friendly. Not here though, they even went out of their way to ask the boys about Santa etc The Apartment was out of this world and would definitely return. 

Full information here if you fancy a visit yourself.

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